Motivation For All the Do-ers

For all those who say Kanye West doesn't know what he's talking about when he goes off on one of his rants, I feel that you should strongly re-consider. Rather, than only judging him in all the faults he may have succumbed to in the past (which we each have our own), I feel that he is more often than not mis-portrayed through exaggeration by the media. The media often tries so hard to make the public see him negatively as a poor role model when really his true intentions lie in seeking to freely express himself in different outlets of art - whether that be through music, fashion and/or the visual arts - in the midst of all the restrictions others' may have put on him.

One of the greatest frustrations for anyone looking to create or expand in different areas is to be viewed by others who may have already offhandedly put you in a box. This may be implicitly done because of what you may have done in the past (e.g. your studies or career), where they automatically fit you into a particular mold without giving you a chance to truly become multi-dimensional in who you wish to be. What people fail to understand is that people change. Influences over time may steer one from point x to now realizing the he or she may really want to explore point y. Yet, people are often so, so quick to judge that because of x in the past you must still be x now. Or because you have been doing x your entire life, that you should only know how to to do x and presumed to continue doing x for life. 

Why is that the case?  Why can one not be x in the past, but now be x, y and z altogether?

I believe that although Kanye's ego may come off at times as inappropriately outlandish, it can also be seen as being confident in himself when he knows that the whole world is out against him. Imagine being the constant center of attention whenever you decide to step out of your room. Everything that is said or done is under the watchful eye of the media. Any slip-up is magnified as tabloids are waiting for you to make the next mis-step in life so that they can capitalize. This kind of toxic environment requires that kind of aggressive positivity in yourself, in order to still have the motivation to continually pursue your passion.

Serving as a motivator for himself as well as to all the do-ers who are willing to put themselves out there to try to achieve something that people may not yet see or materialize right away is scary. Yet, one cannot claim that Kanye West has never tried to be different in his own way - to carve his own path and to achieve his own dreams. 

See him as an innovator, not only as a music producer, which few can argue that he is a genius in that right, but in other areas of art as well. See Kanye as just like any one of us trying to create when things have yet to be created; to bring works of creation to light when many still fear the unknown.

"Just the fact that I'm willing to fail is an inspiration. People are so scared to lose that they don't even try. 

The one thing people can't say is that they can't say, "I'm not trying - that I'm not trying my hardest; that I'm not trying to do the best way that I know how with what little information I get."


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