How to Get Discovered As A Rapper

Takes notes all you aspiring rapper wanna-be's out there.

Here's how to make it big as a rapper. Follow these words of advice below and you'll be recognized, soon signed to a big time label and on your way to be a big time rapper in no time.

Thank me later (excuse the Drake plug-in).

Alright, here we go...

1. Come up with a catchy rap name. If the first one you choose doesn't work out, just follow what Nicky Minaj did and change it (multiple times to your liking) or simplify it from Phuture (what was he thinking..) to just a slightly different name (ahem Future),

2. Do anything you can to stop any big-name rapper coming into town and give him your best 16 bars. If Big Sean can do it, so can you. BOIIIII

3. If Jay doesn't like your shit, it means he loves it. Keep trying, you're on your way to stardom. If you don't believe me, just look at how big Cole World has become.

4. Sometimes, in order to make it big, you need to take drastic measures. Take Iggy Azalea for example. You might just have to lie to your parents by saying that you're going to Miami for a vacation but really book a one-way ticket with no intention of going back home. Not to mention, you'll need to make friends with people named Backbone of the Dungeon Family. Sketchy or nahhh?

5. Get sentenced to jail. Then, release a viral video with a long ass title along the lines of "It's Something Wrong With This Lil Boy: Freaks Out When He Finds Out His Favourite Rapper Chief Keef Gets Out of Jail" right after YOUR release. Kanye will be knocking at your door in no time to record the next Yeezus.

All jokes aside, give this article from Complex a quick read to find out more about how the rappers today were discovered and made it big.

Did you know Nicki Minaj once worked at Red Lobster? Can you imagine? Hahah

Did you know that Drake's MySpace game was so strong back in the day that he was granted a chance to meet Lil' Wayne for the first time... In the comfort of Lil Wayne's tour bus... While he was getting tatted up with a large pair of wings on his body...? How awkward must that have been...

Look at the two of them now...

N: Tell me you ain't up on these. Tell me you... 

D: Shit... That's like shaving off a good 6 months off your life... 

N: But yenno, it's not like I'm eatin' a lot... I'm just gonna take a tiny bit...



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