Defining Creativity in Honest Words

"I think when you listen to music, a visual usually pops into your brain and you will sort of imagine yourself being somewhere or it will remind you of being in a specific place of when you first heard that song.

It's like putting two photographs side by side and finding some sort of connection between them, even though it was not the photographer's intent.

Location and music go hand in hand."

For some reason, these words really resonate as I sit hear listening to a song that brings me back to a piece of my past. Caught off-guard, the exact time of day and specifics of that moment are suddenly brought back so crystal clear. Guess some memories may only appear to be repressed, but are really just latently waiting to be evoked at an unconscious moment.

4:23 Toro y Moi back at it again with the white vans.

For those hitting a creative lull, coming across this video by the Creator Class gave me a spark again - Honest words spur creative minds.

"The reason people aim to make art or push themselves to be creative is so that they can really find out more about themselves. Just be as weird as you can get, Do what you want. Do your thing.

And as long as you believe in it and you're not doing it for anyone else or because you think it sounds cool, people will probably believe you and think that you can be from a small town in the South and still make big records.

I didn't have much musical training... I got tired of learning other people's songs.

The bedroom producer movement is sort of the next wave of bands. You don't hear genre - you hear it for what it is."


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