Discover Yourself as a 'Culture Participant'

Stay curious and don't be afraid to discover. 

Discover what your likes and dislikes are. Discover what your strengths and weaknesses are. Discover a comfortable space for yourself in today's trends and once you do, take pride who you are.

What fashion is all about is providing the pieces or trends to help you discover your own sense of style. But there is obviously more to that than just being fashionable or stylish.

Everyone should strive to be a culture participant as fashion consultant and fellow blogger, Marcus Troy, puts it in his video above.

Be an active participant in becoming more knowledgeable of the things around you, such as in the arts, media, and culture. Being a participant entails not simply taking in, but also giving back to culture, such as through inspiring others whether that be through style, your perspective or simply having the courage to stand by your opinion. Being cultured extends beyond textbook knowledge, but learning to identify cues in your surroundings.

With so much stimuli happening all around us paired with the ever changing societal behavioral patterns, culture is never truly at rest. With every action, there should be an equal and opposite reaction (Newton's third law does exist beyond the textbook). Each and every individual must break free from becoming one who simply accepts the role as a consumer, but must rather evaluate or react to the stimuli which can unknowingly shape our identity. And through this reaction, the hope is to inspire others to react to your reaction. Hence, causing the effect of a chain reaction.

What is there to living if all you do is accept what is presented to you, without questioning and asking, "Hey, is this indeed right? What is really taking place here?"

Call me hopping on this neologist bandwagon, but being a culture participant is what truly makes one individual interesting to converse with, as everyone should have their own say on things that happen. An action without a reaction makes one wonder whether an action even occurred in the first place.


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