"If one kid is like I was headed in this direction in my life,
but after seeing what you did, I decided to go this way.
That's worth so much more than an eBay hit or a highly sought
after pair of sunglasses."
Successful creative directors and founders, who look back at how they have started their brand, all talk about jumping into the unknown. Although the idea of "not knowing" seems like a scary thought, I've also come to realize that they all share one other distinct feature - finding success and fulfillment in pursuing what truly inspires them; the latter proving to be the stronger force.
Constantly finding myself spurned by moments of courage to create a place to accumulate all the style, design and culture musings that I've passed by, but soon after self-doubting whether or not this is even a good idea at all - the idea was always brushed off.
This time, mustering up all my confidence, I am finally making that jump - THE OXFORD MAN was created.
Not knowing where this will end up, I simply hope to share my passion to all who stumble across this collection of inspirations and hopefully, this will also inspire you to pursue something you have always wanted to start but found excuses not to.
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